
#busmod …continued

early sanding & colour testbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus masking
bus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus masking
bus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus maskingbus masking
bus maskingbus maskingbus maskingnearly ready for resprayfinal prep stagesfinal prep stages

#busmod, a set on Flickr.

the continued journey for #rbrtOZ #busmod :)

The above is a selection. The full Flickr set shows the ‘before shots’ and ones I’ve been taking to document the re-spray process.

Hopefully we’ll be painting her this afternoon, so keep following… I post snippets on my social feeds first.

UPDATE: we have the “salamander red” paint, the roof has been resprayed white, and she is all masked up and ready to go! she will now, quite fabulously, be painted on 12/12/12. I’m going to try a video timelapse recording of the respray too (I’ve never done it before, at least not on proper cameras). I guess we’ll have to think of something classy to do at 12:12pm too, won’t we? :)

*busmod = bus modifications

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